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The FACTS about Sun Damage

From 6th – 12th May 2019, we & many others are in support of Sun Awareness Week, the aim of this week is to raise awareness for the dangers of long exposure to the sun, and to promote safety when outside.

Last year we covered everything SPF in a summer blog topic, take a look here. So, it seems we know how to protect ourselves from harmful rays, but what really is the damage doing to our skin?

  • Sun Tanning & Burning

We’re all guilty of baking in the sun and there’s nothing you can do to stop us! When the sun’s UV rays damage the skin, the body produces more melanin to protect itself against further sun damage. But, just know, that with each golden sun tan or lobster-red sun burn, comes a greater risk of developing skin cancer.

  • Freckles, Sun & Age Spots

The small, dark spots are found generally on the hands and face, but any area exposed to the sun can be affected. Skin can look dull, pigmentation and age spots start to appear and wrinkles become more prevalent. Freckles (Ephelides) found on the skin can be classed as a form of hyperpigmentation, they are usually multiple in number. It’s important to keep an eye on your freckles (and moles) and if they change in appearance, then get them checked!

  • Melasma

Melasma is a relatively common skin condition, characterised by patchy, tan to grey-brown facial discolourations. Melasma is more prevalent among those of Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern and African origin, and those taking oral and topical contraceptives. With Melasma, only 10% of men are affected.

  • Actinic Keratosis

Actinic Keratosis appears as a small bump that feels like sandpaper, or a persistent patch of scaly (peeling) skin that may have a jagged or even sharp surface and that has a pink, yellow, red or brownish tint. At first, an Actinic Keratosis may be the size of a pimple and in some cases, an Actinic Keratosis may itch or be slightly tender.

  • Melanoma

Melanoma, also known as malignant melanoma, is a type of cancer that develops from the pigment-containing cells known as melanocytes. Melanomas typically occur in the skin, but may rarely occur in the mouth, intestines, or eye. In women, they most commonly occur on the legs, while in men they are most common on the back. Diagnosis is by biopsy and analysis of any skin lesion that has signs of being potentially cancerous. Using sunscreen and avoiding UV light may prevent melanoma.


The bottom line, KNOW the risks, UNDERSTAND the causes & STAY on top of your SPF!


For more information on the topics mentioned in this blog or to speak to a member of our team, click here and we’ll be in touch

By HC MedSpa
10th May 2019