Award winning clinics
Established in 1993
Highly experienced doctors
25 Years in London


Skin rejuvenation

  • 1 Safe treatment with clinically proven results
  • 2 Non-surgical & Non ablative technology
  • 3 Instant skin radiance


Microneedling is a non-surgical, aesthetic procedure that involves gliding over the skin and repeatedly puncturing the surface with tiny needles. This process creates minute trauma which triggers a wound-healing response and it is this that begins the production of collagen and elastin. Ultimately, this treatment has a number of benefits and is a less invasive alternative to cosmetic surgery, with little downtime and fast results.

HC MedSpa provides the Microneedling treatment using the DermaPen system.​ This implement offers the safest method of collagen induction therapy. With it being the world’s most advanced Microneedling device, it allows 3000 times more penetration than a topical solution because it is perforating deeper and renewing the cells beneath. Unlike a traditional facial, Microneedling works past the surface of the skin, which grants pro-longed results.

This treatment is suitable for all skin types to address a wide range of problems such as acne, pigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles. Not only does Microneedling assist in combating visible signs of ageing, but it also targets scarring and stretch marks. An effective treatment with first-rate results.

Our treatments are bespoke to the individual, click here to book a complimentary consultation with one of our Aesthetic Practitioners and discuss your treatment options.

This treatment is available in: FinchleyMill HillRadlett and Barnet.

What Is Microneedling?
Microneedling is an aesthetic medical procedure that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny needles. They stimulate a wound-healing response for healthy collagen growth, simultaneously improving the appearance, pigmentation and texture of the skin.
Is the treatment safe?
Is Microneedling painful?
When will I notice results?
How many treatments will I need?


Procedure time

45 minutes


Aesthetic Practitioner

Treatable areas



3-7 days


From £175


Treatment Price from
Microneedling From £175.00